“Growing up in Montreal and being part of the community got me to Camp B’Nai Brith, where I …Continue Reading

“Applying knowledge from my social work studies helps me in my personal life. Wherever I go, I bring …Continue Reading

“We had been friends for 5 years before he told me he was a survivor of the Holocaust. …Continue Reading

“I’m a sales person for a fashion company, and on the side I became a personal trainer. I …Continue Reading

“I played hockey professionally for ten years in the States and Switzerland. Living in Montreal, everything revolved around …Continue Reading

Making the best of a Montreal winter.

“I’m so proud of the person I am today, and there’s so many things that are a part …Continue Reading

“We just did the Ottawa half marathon together. I convinced my mom to sign up for a half …Continue Reading

“What’s the most rewarding part of having children?” “When they’re asleep!” “And the most challenging?” “When they’re awake!”

“Who’s your favourite Jewish superhero?” “Magneto. He’s so cool. He’s a mutant who can control magnetic fields. He’s …Continue Reading