“I was going to camp up until the year I was engaged. The minute I started working at …Continue Reading

Gone fishin’.

“I really like visual arts, dance, literature and cinema. The arts are just something I can’t live without. …Continue Reading

“Not everybody speaks the same language. Like, Margarita—she speaks French—and other people speak Hebrew. There are people from …Continue Reading

“I was here as staff and now I’m the executive director of Camp B’nai Brith. My favourite part …Continue Reading

“What’s your favourite thing about camp?” “Sailing!” “Woodworking!” “Having fun with my friends!” “Dancing!” “Waterskiing!” “Probably… eating gum.” …Continue Reading

“I’ve been coming to camp for 16 years. The only two summers I missed since 1998 were when …Continue Reading

“We came to Montreal in 2009. Now we live the life we wanted to live in Moldova.” “I …Continue Reading

“I always wanted to be a mother so it was a bit scary not knowing whether my dream …Continue Reading

“My sister and I are very different. She’s a social butterfly and I rarely leave my house. I’m …Continue Reading