“What is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self?” “Always be authentic. I’ve noticed …Continue Reading

« C’est incroyable ce qu’on peut atteindre avec la persévérance. Grace à elle, j’ai eu ma ceinture bleue …Continue Reading

“What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you in Montreal?” “I’ve been mugged by a man that was …Continue Reading

“What do you like most about your brother?” “That he loves me… and I love him!”

“Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, I eat dinner at Le Café. I’ve been coming here since the first …Continue Reading

“We met 63 years ago. In the morning he’s always in such a good mood! He says “Hey! …Continue Reading

“What is something that you know now that wish you had known when you were younger?” “Striving for …Continue Reading

“I remember going into my second Maccabiah games. They told all of us to be respectful to our …Continue Reading

“What is your ultimate goal in life?” “I’d love to win an Oscar some day. Really, my ultimate …Continue Reading

“I come from a really eclectic family — part of my family is really religious and part of …Continue Reading