“As a teacher in a Jewish day school, it is heartbreaking to watch a student struggling academically. I …Continue Reading

“Sarah is turning eleven, and she’s very excited about her Bat Mitzvah. So something has really sparked. Seeing …Continue Reading

Un avenir prometteur

“Social work, more than any other profession, has the ability to think macro, and see the interconnections that …Continue Reading

“I am originally from Czechoslovakia, and I ran away to Budapest during the Holocaust. At that time, the …Continue Reading

“I was raised part atheist, part Christian, and after crossing the spiritual desert of my youth, I began …Continue Reading

Purim is family time!

A young man in his big city.

“The JEM workshop has in fact become a critical aspect of my life. I spend an enormous amount …Continue Reading

« Ma famille et moi avons quitté la France en 2010 pour immigrer à Montréal. Tout au long …Continue Reading