Can you find the ‘Mazel Tov’?

Savouring the street festival

“Do you and your dog exercise together?” “No, it’s impossible… She likes to stop and smell every single …Continue Reading

« Soyez détendu… souriez, ici c’est la Fédération CJA! »

“People are pretty knowledgeable about food. They want a level of sophistication and worldliness. They want it hip …Continue Reading

“When I was a kid -in elementary school – I liked animals. I asked my dad if there …Continue Reading

“I’ll tell you a story: Before you were born, Levesque came into power and we had to learn …Continue Reading

“How did you hear about this sample sale?” “I own the company.”

“What’s the biggest hustle you’ve ever pulled?” “This is it… Well, at least this is the latest.”

Summer Camp Smiles