“I’m the Lice Fairy here in Montreal. Basically what I do is go to people’s homes, supply them with a fantastic non-toxic treatment, a lice kit, and advice. I also go to YCC every summer—I’m a camp mom. When I go to people’s homes and they’re so overwhelmed, I always tell them: ‘this is not a disaster; it’s a gift. This is a gift of friendship. This is a gift of reconnection. Forge about the lice—lice is nothing. You can find out so much information just by combing your child’s hair daily. Take that hour and enjoy it.’
And that’s what happened to me. My daughter—who is going to be 16 this month—got lice when she was seven years old. I was traumatized. I stopped working. I kept her home for that initial 24 hours. I did what every crazy mother online told me to do. I was nuts! The greatest thing I did was wake up my daughter an hour early before the rest of the house and I literally nit-picked her hair. It was mummy-daughter time every morning and every night for an hour and a half for two weeks. It was beautiful. It opened a communication that we have to this day, and I believe it was because of that.”
“Have you ever had lice?”
Category: People