“As part of the Chairman’s mission in the 2013 Combined Jewish Appeal campaign, a group of us helped with the Ethiopian Aliyah to Israel. First we went to Israel to meet a group from Beer Sheva—there were a few Ethiopians in that group who currently lived in Israel—and then we traveled to Ethiopia to get to know the group that was preparing to make Aliyah and we accompanied them to Israel. It was memorable to do something for people that changed their lives. They left everything behind to have a better future and a better life.
Giving the Ethiopians the opportunity to fly from Ethiopia to Israel felt like we were giving future generations a chance to survive and thrive. It was something that really made an impact on me. I think humans were put on this earth to do good. When you do good, you get good back, but you never know in what form it will come back to you.”
Category: People