“Surprisingly, the most dangerous part about my job is not the knives, it’s actually the shells! Last year …Continue Reading

“I’ve been volunteering at the Cummings Centre for 9 years. I’ve seen people come in here who have …Continue Reading

“Before working at the Segal Centre I was involved in music. The biggest show I ever produced was …Continue Reading

“My whole life has been about volunteering; it’s like my job.”

“I wouldn’t say that my favourite foods are Jewish foods, but I would never want to have a …Continue Reading

Enjoying a latka during the annual Hampstead Chanukah candle lighting ceremony.

Hat, check. Purse, check. Baby, check. This serious little lady has it all under control.

“How long have you worked here?” “48 years” “Wow… How much did you get paid back then per …Continue Reading

“Montreal is kind of like a purgatory. But, a good kind that you want to come back to …Continue Reading

Sometimes, the best seat in the house is outside the house – on the stoop!