“Growing up in Montreal, the community was very insular. We thought the whole world was Jewish. I was …Continue Reading
“Growing up in Montreal, the community was very insular. We thought the whole world was Jewish. I was …Continue Reading
“We’re pretty boring. The worst part of my day is my allergies; also, I’m the least photogenic person …Continue Reading
“Can you tell me about what you have learned from your boss?” “What could he possibly have to …Continue Reading
“You work in theatre; do you remember your first theatre experience?” “I remember I saw a play with …Continue Reading
“Before I worked at a steel company, I was working nights, sometimes even doubles, and they don’t care …Continue Reading
“Why did you bring your dog tonight?” “He’s a part of the community. I’m Jewish and my dog …Continue Reading
« J’ai quitté Paris pour Montréal il y a huit ans. Je travaille dans le domaine de radio. Mon …Continue Reading