“Growing up in Montreal, the community was very insular. We thought the whole world was Jewish. I was …Continue Reading

« Si vous pensez que l’aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d’essayer la routine… elle est mortelle.»

“We’re pretty boring. The worst part of my day is my allergies; also, I’m the least photogenic person …Continue Reading

“Did you know, they say 40% of Jews in North America have Christmas trees?”

“Can you tell me about what you have learned from your boss?” “What could he possibly have to …Continue Reading

“You work in theatre; do you remember your first theatre experience?” “I remember I saw a play with …Continue Reading

“What’s your favourite dish at Pita Pizza?” “Poutine.”

“Before I worked at a steel company, I was working nights, sometimes even doubles, and they don’t care …Continue Reading

“Why did you bring your dog tonight?” “He’s a part of the community. I’m Jewish and my dog …Continue Reading

« J’ai quitté Paris pour Montréal il y a huit ans. Je travaille dans le domaine de radio. Mon …Continue Reading