“Why do you like working at Schwartz’s?” “Because here we have superstar status.”

“For a long time I was very confused about my Jewish identity. Having gone to Jewish day school …Continue Reading

“What was the first word your daughter said?” “Dada. Then a month later she said Mama. It’s not …Continue Reading

“I used to be an investment banker and then I decided to make beer. I decided to follow …Continue Reading

« Lorsque je suis arrivée à Montréal, j’ai fréquenté l’école secondaire Pierre-Laporte. À cette époque, l’école n’était pas …Continue Reading

“When was your last Mitzvah?” “I took a shower today, does that count as a Mitzvah? Taking care …Continue Reading

« Beau temps, mauvais temps, qu’il pleuve ou qu’il vente, tous les vendredis, mes amies et moi nous appelons …Continue Reading

“What do you love most about your daughter?” “She’s so positive, it’s incredible: First to join all the …Continue Reading

“When I was six and had recently come from Hungary, my seven year old friend told me that …Continue Reading