Lawyer by profession. Lego cufflink designer by passion.

“There are no boundaries for me here as an artist in Montreal – you have access anywhere. My …Continue Reading

“What are some of the weird things people ask for?” “Some people actually ask if we sell bagels!”

« Avez-vous un lien de parenté? » « Nous représentons trois générations : la mère, la fille et …Continue Reading

“I got facial palsy about 20 years ago and that really turns your life upside down. It pushes …Continue Reading

The glida girls

“I’m not Jewish, but the Main was the first place that hired me. I didn’t even know it …Continue Reading

“I’m a pretty girlie girl so I don’t think you’d think ‘butcher’ when you saw me. The funny …Continue Reading

“How did you meet your wife?” “We are both Holocaust survivors. We were in a park.” “How was …Continue Reading