““I’m going to do a Torah reading in six months.” “I’m leading the Shabbat service on Friday and …Continue Reading
““I’m going to do a Torah reading in six months.” “I’m leading the Shabbat service on Friday and …Continue Reading
“I went to Auschwitz a few years back. At one point, I looked down and saw a bunch …Continue Reading
“I’m a major people person. I think that’s part of why I like travelling so much. I really …Continue Reading
“We are from Israel.” “When did you move to Canada?” “In three days, it’ll be one year.” “Why …Continue Reading
“People say that Montreal has the best food and great restaurants, but what they don’t know is that …Continue Reading
“We’ve been married for 49 years.” “We’ve been together for 51 years! We got married young. I was …Continue Reading
« Ma femme et moi nous sommes rencontrés au Y, alors que nous faisions jadis partie des scouts. …Continue Reading
“My kids are my life. It’s so rewarding when your kids tell you how much they love you …Continue Reading
“I love the arts—visual arts, music, theatre. I went to an arts high school and it was incredible. …Continue Reading