« Grâce à la générosité des donateurs de la Fédération CJA et de bénévoles de la communauté, des …Continue Reading

« Quand la Concordia Student Union (association étudiante de Concordia) a présenté une résolution incitant au boycottage d’Israël …Continue Reading

“Since my sisters and I don’t live in a Jewish area and we attend French public school, camp …Continue Reading

« Imaginez-vous à la maison. L’un de vos enfants joue joyeusement dans la cuisine, et les trois autres …Continue Reading

“I had the privilege of meeting Sidney in preparation for a Holocaust education experience to Poland and Israel, …Continue Reading

“Having devoted much of my life to advancing Jewish education in Montreal, I know the importance of the …Continue Reading

“During the first month of my family’s immigration to Montreal, I was put in contact with the Jewish …Continue Reading

« Il y a deux ans, nous avons quitté l’Argentine, nos amis et notre famille pour venir à …Continue Reading

“As an Ethiopian Jew living in Montreal, we have some unique traditions and observances, such as the holiday …Continue Reading

“There are people in our community who have nothing. Some have had to leave their home country and …Continue Reading